how have you learned so much self love?
Dear Sasha, thank you for being the first to ask a question on my Heart to Heart page, ily. personally, I think this is a such a good question to ask because there are so many different paths that lead to true self love. meeting the love of your life, beginning your dream job, falling off the grid and soul searching for a few months, moving to another city and starting over, losing all your friends but finding yourself in the solitude, everyone's different and the reasons for falling back in love with yourself are endless. for me, I think the main thought/advice that I've always told myself is that if I can't love myself alone, than I can't love myself when there's anyone around. I'm the one for me. no one can pick me up or put me down like I can. I have tackled every obstacle in my life alone. I was such a scared girl growing up. I just turned 23, and now when I look in the mirror, I truly see myself as my own hero. for me, there was no other way to fully love everything I am, until I experienced pure hatred for everything I was. my advice to you love, is to give yourself a break. no one on this planet is perfect, and life really doesn't have to be that serious all the time. only you can fill the parts of you that feel empty. find what you love and make your life all about it. In the end, all you really have is yourself. so get to know her again, and love her better. write again soon. xx
-Heart Baked Poet |
do your poems come from a personal place?
Hi Sara, thanks for writing in! I love this question because I love my answer to it. my poetry has come from the most personal place possible since I started writing. I feel like I can write about anything really because a lot of my writing is fictional and creative. every poem has meaning behind it in one way or another. I pull inspiration from everything in my life, even little things like coffee and book marks. but I think where most of the poetry has come from is music. I swear I wouldn't be able to write a thing if I didn't have music. poetry comes from a deep part of the soul, but I know that anyone could do it if they tried. everyone has something to say, they just don't always know how to make it rhyme. I swear it's worth giving it a shot. thanks again for writing in. xx - HBP |
are you ever going to write again? -anonymous
Ah.. the nagging question that's been haunting me for 6 months. honestly, I still don't know how to answer it. but what I can tell you is.. I'm trying. every week or two I sit back down and actually read between the lines. there have been so many drastic changes in my life these past few months, I don't really know how to get inspired anymore. I don't know where to find the art.. just the pain. and although poetry is pain and pain is poetry and blah blah, this isn't the pain that can be put into any form. not yet. It's kinda like my mind had light before, and now it's just dim. I'm just carrying on, waiting for the day that it finds it's light again. I have been in the dark for a long time, and I'm used to it now. comfortable in my own discomfort. but everyone keeps telling me that it won't be this way forever, and God, I hope they're right. - heartbakedpoet |